iWatch, This So-Called Life

At Tumigil Ang Mundo

Have you ever chanced upon a song that completely captured everything that you’ve ever wanted in life? I’ve written about this in the past – if you’ve ever read that entry about Enchanted – that moment that Robert looked up and saw Giselle on top of the staircase and every single person in the room… Continue reading At Tumigil Ang Mundo

iWatch, Jei Pod, This So-Called Life

21.13: I Think I Dreamed You Into Life

For the daily text messages and the nightly phone calls... All before we ever set eyes on each other. I will always love you. *** Maybe it's intuition But some things you just don't question Like in your eyes I see my future in an instant and there it goes I think I've found my… Continue reading 21.13: I Think I Dreamed You Into Life